Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why Care?

I have been asked over and over again why I care so much for animals. The truth is, I'm not sure why I care so much. I have compassion for animals. I always have. I don't want to see a person suffer nor do I want to see an animal suffer. But, the difference is, most people can tell you how much it hurts. Most people can tell you to stop. Most people can tell you they don't want to be treated badly. Animals, however, cannot. If no one steps in and says it's unethical to hang a bunny up by it's feet and slit it's throat so you can have a fur coat, how will we stop it? If no one brings attention about how badly animals are treated on factory farms, how will the animals find peace?

I have learned that animals not only have feelings, they also have emotions and connections with certain individuals. Animals love their babies just as we do. Animals cry like we do. Animals have fears like we do. Animals bleed red, just like we do.

In a sense, we are animals. We hunt, build our shelters, take care of our young, and live to survive. Animals do the same things. But because we are stronger with our weapons, we take advantage and abuse those smaller than we are. Can anyone tell me why you need to kill a leopard in the wild to stuff him and have him in your living room? Why should the leopard die because you have poor taste in home decor? Why should rabbits be bred so you can have a tacky fur coat? It simply is not fair. We are supposed to take care of the animals. Not use them for decorations.

Would you wear your dog? Probably not. Why? Because you love your dog and don't think it's fair for them to die for such a petty desire. Think about that and put your dog in the place of other animals.

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