Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ways to Get Active

So you want to make a difference but you're not quite sure about where to start. Not to worry! I've got plenty of tips to help you make a difference in an animal's life.

Sign Petitions
Everyday there are animals who are abused and mistreated. You can make a difference by taking just a moment to sign a petition for a cause you deem worthy. Not sure where to find any petitions? You can find plenty here or here! Signing petitions and taking a moment to send a quick email about how you feel about animal cruelty can make a big difference! :)

Go Veg
Factory farms are one of today's largest meat suppliers to grocery stores all over the world. In factory farms animals are abused and mistreated all of the time. If you need help with going vegetarian or vegan check out this great site. This site offers great tips on making the transition and offers some great recipes! If you want to know more about factory farming and the abuse that goes on there please visit this site on factory farming.

Leave Literature
Purchase a pack of pamphlets from PETA literature and leave them in different places you go. Try a service station or a grocery store or simply give one to people you meet on the street. Opening the eyes of people everywhere will help to stop animal abuse that takes place all over the world.

Set up a Table at a Local Event
Contact your city hall and ask about setting up a table at a local event in your area. Make sure you get permission! Purchase literature about your cause and educate the public about your cause. Make sure you dress for the part! If you're vegan, you want to make sure you're not wearing leather or fur or chowing down on a hamburger. Educate the public on why you made your decision and how they can make the transition easier on themselves. Give tips on what helped you to make the transition. Remember, not everyone is going to agree with you so don't waste time on those who don't. We're trying to make a difference not trying to get arrested. :)

For more ideas on how to get active please visit the PETA action center. Remember, it's all about making a difference. Have fun with it and get creative!

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