Name: Buttons
Nickname: Mr. B
Birthday: May, 2008
Likes: Consistent Schedules, Sleeping with Me, Being Brushed, and Cheese.
Dislikes: Kids, Dirty Litter Boxes, and Baths
Odd Fact: Likes Strawberry Jello
Emmys is one of the sweetest cats you will meet. She's very affectionate and demands to be pet much of the time. She's a talker. She loves to talk to people, especially when she is being pet. She is the sister of Buttons. She once gave birth to a single kitten who, unfortunately, did not make it. Afterwards, she was spayed. She loves sleeping in the windowsill when we are not in bed. She follows me to the bathroom each time I go and cries at the bathroom door when I shower. She also has a fascination with watching the toilet flush. Emmys cries in the car and requires a pet carrier when we take her places. She does not like the outdoors. She was once put outside for being naughty and cried the entire time to come back in. This cured her curiosity for the outdoors and she never again tried to get outside.Nickname: Mr. B
Birthday: May, 2008
Likes: Consistent Schedules, Sleeping with Me, Being Brushed, and Cheese.
Dislikes: Kids, Dirty Litter Boxes, and Baths
Odd Fact: Likes Strawberry Jello
This is one of my favorite cats. He's very affectionate and outgoing. He's an indoor kitty and has been neutered. He sleeps at the foot of the bed by my feet each night. When I'm not in bed by the time he's ready, he lets me know he's ready for bed by coming to me and rubbing my legs. He gets along well with new kittens. He even bathed the last litter one of my cats had before she was spayed. He's very odd as a male as he doesn't show many of the male qualities most males show. He's not dominant for his space and gets along well with the other cats. He's good on car rides to the vet and doesn't cry in the car. He doesn't require a pet carrier for car trips. Buttons also runs to the kitchen each time he hears the refrigerator door open. He is spoiled with pats of butter and cheese when I'm in the kitchen.
Name: Emily
Nickname: Emmys
Birthday: May, 2008
Likes: Sleeping On My Hip, Biscuits, Showing Affection, Purring, And Sleeping In The Windowsill
Dislikes: Kids, Baths, Dogs, and Outdoors
Odd Fact: She Once Cared For Kittens Who Were Not Hers
Nickname: Emmys
Birthday: May, 2008
Likes: Sleeping On My Hip, Biscuits, Showing Affection, Purring, And Sleeping In The Windowsill
Dislikes: Kids, Baths, Dogs, and Outdoors
Odd Fact: She Once Cared For Kittens Who Were Not Hers
Name: Lady
Nickname: Ladybug
Birthday: November, 2007
Likes: The Outdoors, Sleeping In The Recliner, Tons of Affection, And Cuddling
Dislikes: Dogs, Kittens, Sleeping Indoors At Night, And Being Loved On By Other Cats
Odd Fact: Lady is, in fact, a male cat. He was mistaken for a female and by the time we found the mistake, he was too used to his name to change it.
Lady is by far one of my grumpier pets. Although he is highly affectionate for humans, he is easily angered. He has not been neutered, which I believe is where much of his frustration is coming from. He dislikes our puppy and is constantly growling and hissing at her. He is very trusting of people and although he has made the occasional growl at me, he has yet to scratch me. He enjoys napping in my lap and loves to rub his face on mine. He has a very loud purr. When he is frustrated by the other animals he demands to go outside. He asks to go out by going to the back door and crying. He is not a good car rider and MUST have a carrier for vet trips. Despite his grumpiness, he's another one of my favorites.
Name: Isabelle
Nickname: Izzy
Birthday: April, 2008
Likes: Independence, Being A Mommy, Sleeping By The Water Bowl, And Ladybug.
Dislikes: Being Held, Aspen, Car Trips, and Baths
Odd Fact: Isabelle purred and became loving while giving birth to her kittens.
Nickname: Izzy
Birthday: April, 2008
Likes: Independence, Being A Mommy, Sleeping By The Water Bowl, And Ladybug.
Dislikes: Being Held, Aspen, Car Trips, and Baths
Odd Fact: Isabelle purred and became loving while giving birth to her kittens.
Izzy is the most independent pet we own. She's not very affectionate, although she has her moments when she enjoys being loved. She loves being a mommy and is by far one of the best pet moms I've seen. She is now spayed and cannot have any more kittens. She will not sleep on the bed with us, but will occasionally acknowledge our presence by rubbing our legs and talking to us. She loves to beg for food. She loves Ladybug and will wait at the door until he comes inside in the mornings. When he comes inside, she runs right beside him and stays at his side until he chases her away. She is not aggressive at all but requires a carrier for pet visits.
Name: Boo
Nickname: Booster
Birthday: March 20th, 2009
Likes: Being Mischievous, Pouncing The Covers In The Bed, Playing With Human Feet, Aspen, And Buttons
Dislikes: Being Locked In A Room, Being Pushed Away By His Mother, And Being Chased By The Dog
Odd Fact: We were not originally going to keep him, but he was so different from the rest of the litter. He was determined to get out of his box and explore the world and was the first of the bunch to eat cat food and drink water.
Nickname: Booster
Birthday: March 20th, 2009
Likes: Being Mischievous, Pouncing The Covers In The Bed, Playing With Human Feet, Aspen, And Buttons
Dislikes: Being Locked In A Room, Being Pushed Away By His Mother, And Being Chased By The Dog
Odd Fact: We were not originally going to keep him, but he was so different from the rest of the litter. He was determined to get out of his box and explore the world and was the first of the bunch to eat cat food and drink water.
Boo is our newest addition to the family, and for now, the last. He's a highly affectionate kitten and is very, very playful. He loves to play with your feet when you are washing dishes or in the kitchen. He will jump in your lap when you least expect it. He gets along well with the other animals in the house and, surprisingly, was accepted by every animal here with no effort at all. He has a deformity at the end of his tail. His tail is crooked but it adds to his charm.
Name: Mopsy
Nickname: Floppy Mopsy
Birthday: January, 2009
Likes: Spinach, Lettuce, Cuddling, Cats, Buttons, Snoozing On The Couch, And Running Around The House
Dislikes: Carrots, Being Chased By The Dog, Our Ferret, Being Alone, And Kids
Odd Fact: Mopsy was a gift for our family from a friend. He's a very outgoing bunny and really enjoys affection.
Name: Mopsy
Nickname: Floppy Mopsy
Birthday: January, 2009
Likes: Spinach, Lettuce, Cuddling, Cats, Buttons, Snoozing On The Couch, And Running Around The House
Dislikes: Carrots, Being Chased By The Dog, Our Ferret, Being Alone, And Kids
Odd Fact: Mopsy was a gift for our family from a friend. He's a very outgoing bunny and really enjoys affection.
Mopsy is most certainly one of our more original pets. He's got full run of the house for several hours a day but cannot be out of his cage while the dog is in the house. He cannot be out of his cage at the same time as my ferret is either. Mopsy enjoys cuddling to you. He hops on the bed and will hop up to your face. He nuzzles himself between your shoulder and your neck and will sleep like that. He's never bitten and has only been aggressive towards another pet only once in self defense. Mopsy receives a lot of attention from visitors because of his outgoing personality. He's well loved and easily accepted by most of our pets.
Name: Nibbles
Nickname: Nibs
Birthday: 2007
Likes: Playing, Cats, Aspen, Going Outside, Trying To Get Out The Dryer Vent, And Hiding In Hard To Reach Places
Dislikes: Being In His Cage
Odd Fact: Most of the time if he's missing in the house, you will find him in my underwear drawer in our bedroom.
Nickname: Aspenie Spin
Birthday: March 5th, 2009
Likes: Anything She Isn't Supposed To Have, Aggravating The Cats, Belly Rubs, Walks, And Going Jogging With Me
Dislikes: Baths, Being Alone, Discipline, Being Disturbed During Sleep, And Not Getting Her Way
Odd Fact: We once had an underground fence in the yard to prevent her from leaving the yard. We had to return the fence because the static shock in the collar did not affect her. The fence was useless for Aspen.
Nickname: Nibs
Birthday: 2007
Likes: Playing, Cats, Aspen, Going Outside, Trying To Get Out The Dryer Vent, And Hiding In Hard To Reach Places
Dislikes: Being In His Cage
Odd Fact: Most of the time if he's missing in the house, you will find him in my underwear drawer in our bedroom.
Nibbles is a very fun pet. He's probably one of our most fun ones. He's very nosey, but unlike most ferrets, doesn't steal things to keep for himself. He gets along with all of the pets except for Mopsy. He is litter box trained. He was a gift to me from my sister. One of his favorite games is chase. He loves for you to tag him and then to chase you to tag you. He also loves having a blanket thrown over him and finding his way out. He's famous for doing his war dance each time he's out to play. He's an escape artist from the house and must be closely supervised when he's out of his cage. He once got out of the house without us knowing. He explored the world for a while and came home. He scratched on the door to come back in. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door and it was Nibbles! His best friend is Aspen. They can play nonstop for hours together.
Name: AspenNickname: Aspenie Spin
Birthday: March 5th, 2009
Likes: Anything She Isn't Supposed To Have, Aggravating The Cats, Belly Rubs, Walks, And Going Jogging With Me
Dislikes: Baths, Being Alone, Discipline, Being Disturbed During Sleep, And Not Getting Her Way
Odd Fact: We once had an underground fence in the yard to prevent her from leaving the yard. We had to return the fence because the static shock in the collar did not affect her. The fence was useless for Aspen.
Aspen is our little trouble maker. Read my blog on our puppy adventure to find out about the troubles we have with her. She's very affectionate, but you cannot love her for long before she becomes playful. She will not chase anything you throw for her. Instead, she enjoys tug of war. She is hard headed and refuses to listen only when you are very firm with her. She will continue to do bad when you turn your back on her. She's given us more trouble than any pet we've ever had, but she's by far one of our favorites. She's got a great personality and is an excellent exercise companion.
Believe it or not, I'm finished. I have introduced you to each and every pet in our mini petting zoo. I hope you enjoyed learning about them as much as I enjoyed telling you about them! We do have a lot of pets. We have no plans for any future pets. Although we do have plenty of pets, each of them receive proper vet care and tons of love and care.
Believe it or not, I'm finished. I have introduced you to each and every pet in our mini petting zoo. I hope you enjoyed learning about them as much as I enjoyed telling you about them! We do have a lot of pets. We have no plans for any future pets. Although we do have plenty of pets, each of them receive proper vet care and tons of love and care.
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