Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Batter's Up

So I got a knock on my front door this morning. I was having a hard time sleeping because I was so excited about going to see Eclipse today so I was already awake. I answered the door and it was my neighbor's son aka my son's best friend. He asked me to get Jacob because he had found a bat. Of course I was interested in this. I had never been up close to a bat before so this would be a new experience for me. I got Jacob up and we went outside to the tree that the bat was sleeping on. He was sleeping on the trunk of the tree, upside down of course, and was so small and cute. I was careful because bats are know to carry rabies, but I gently stroked the bat on it's back. It did not move. My neighbor came over and picked the bat up and held it. I held the bat for a while as well. It decided that it wanted to sleep upside down on my shirt. I thought that was adorable. Anyway, I just wanted to share my interesting little experience with you. What's the most exotic animal you've ever had the pleasure of being close to? Share your experience too! :)