GNN - Bubbles Jackson, close friend and confidant of late entertainer Michael Jackson, missed the opportunity of a chimp lifetime. Michael Jackson "pestered" surgeons for four years to surgically enable Bubbles to speak, so Bubbles could share his "thoughts" with Jackson.
The surgeons are reported to have refused to perform the operation because Bubbles wouldn't survive it, rather than impugn the asssumption that sentience depends upon a biological arrangement in the vocal chords.
Bubbles, who is now 26 and living in a chimp shelter, toured with Jackson in the 1980's, and even shared Jackson's bed in those days.
Funny Chimp Photos
Funny Chimp Photos
Funny Chimp Photos“Our political leader and PM asked me to meet with Mr Dookeran to bring some sobriety, some sanity in this situation, this mad situation where six people, six people you know, are jeopardising the partnership. Six people who lack discipline, six people, one of whom I repeat is encouraged by two senior members of the UNC.
- For UNC styled democratic principles - A Jack Award
Training his guns on Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, Warner vowed “to wipe the PNM and Rowley off the face of the political map of this country”.
Funny Chimp Photos
Funny Chimp Photos
Funny Chimp Photos
Funny Chimp PhotosOn July 7, Warner, then acting as Prime Minister, called on contractors to pave a road in T&T for free, as a gift to the country.
“I also intend to ask each of them to give me a road free as a gift to the country...They have made enough in the good days and they making still. “So therefore they must tell me, Jack, look at these roads, pick one and take anyone for free.” Responding to Warner’s statement, Mikey Joseph, president of the T&T Contractors Association, said, “I am not in agreement with this. I think it is an unscrupulous request because State procurement procedure and practice state that it must be fair and without favour or malice, but a request like this will give an unfair advantage to the contractors who can afford to give a free road over those who can’t.”
Against that statement, the TTTI issued a warning: “If, however, there is any expectation on the part of participating contractors for preference, priority or influence in the procurement of public sector contracts, this would be an unwelcome development,”
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